Doctorates at the Robotics Law Research Centre.
Current doctoral candidates and their research
Dipl. Jur. Sophie Garling
A methodology for the development of a system of legal experts
Jille Kikonga, LL.B
Criminal law regulation of the dissemination of fake news
Ass. Jur. Nicolas Kutschera, European Lawyer
A Monitoring and Analysis of the European Commission's Proposal for a Regulation Establishing Harmonised Rules for Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act)
Pia Mesenberg
Formalising legal rules - A consideration in the context of automated driving.
Ass. Jur. Daniel Nikol
An international comparison of liability issues in respect of artificial intelligence
Thomas Steur
Criminal and civil liability problems in telemedicine
Max Tauschhuber
The influence of intelligent artefacts on human behaviour and the relevance of those changes for the (penal) law, exemplarily on eHealth
Jannick Thonemann
Artificial intelligence and its impact on the legal order with a special focus on intellectual property issues
Completed PhDs
Prof. Dr. Susanne Beck
Stem cell research and criminal law - an assessment of the use of criminal law in biotechnology
Dr. Lisa Blechschmitt
Criminal and civil liability of physicians when performing robot-assisted surgery
Dipl. Jur. Inci Demir
Mobile Health: mobile health applications - programmed health - the opportunities and the risks
Dr. Jochen Feldle
Emergency algorithms – [life and death] dilemmas in automated road transport
Dr. Jan-Philipp Günther
Robots and legal responsibility. An investigation of the liability of users and manufacturers
Dr. Christian Haagen, Ass. Jur.
Liability issues when using artificial intelligence. Ethical and civil law questions as well as duty of care requirements in the development and placing on the market of AI technologies.
Dr. Tino Haupt
Access to Vehicle Data from a Criminal and Civil Law Perspective. An Examination of the Current Legal Situation with Proposals for Reform.
Dr. Berthold Haustein
The possibilities and limits of data ownership
Dr. Ulrich Honecker
Dilemma situations: choosing who should live and who should die in unavoidable accident situations. An analysis of criminal and civil liability of manufacturers for deaths caused by their automated vehicle systems
Dr. Xiaoyan Huang, LL.M. Eur.
Technology vs. law - Legal challenges in connection with "Industry 4.0" using the examples of data security and data protection
Dr. Anna Lohmann, European lawyer
Artificial intelligence in the field of criminal law
Dr. Severin Löffler
Military and civilian aerial robots. Selected criminal law problems in the use of combat and surveillance drones.
Dr. iur. Dipl.-Ing.Lennart S. Lutz
Automated driving, dashcams and storage of data usable as evidence: legal problems of data collection and data access de lege lata
Dr. Florian Münch
Autonomous systems in hospitals: the data protection framework and criminal law limits
Dr. Annika Schömig
Hazards and risks in criminal law. A presentation of the terms and methods with special consideration of risk classes.
Dr. Paul Vogel, LL.M. Eur.
Data protection issues arising through the use of learning systems
Dr. Nicolas Woltmann, European lawyer
The social robot. Criminal law aspects of the personification of technical systems using the example of social bots.