Deutsch Intern
  • Source: Press office University of Würzburg
Robotics Law Research Centre

Legal foundations of human-robot interaction


In the course of the digitalization of the working world, companies have been increasingly faced with new challenges. The interaction between man and machine is therefore not just highly topical, but also many sided and legally complex. Not only are data protection questions currently highly relevant, but civil liability issues and criminal law consequences are also becoming increasingly important: Who is liable in the event that an accident is caused by a robot? Can the manufacturer himself incur criminal liability? And how can existing legal concepts for liability be reconciled with the safety of staff at their workplaces? The current state of technology is undoubtedly raising such questions. Thought also has to be given to what the effects of future progress, such as the further development of artificial intelligence, will be.

Together with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) the Forschungsstelle RobotRecht is laying out legal foundations for the Human-Robot-Interaction. The objective of this project is to point out and enlighten all the legal fields of tension. Suggestions for the usage of autonomous machines are acquired and possible legislative solutions are pointed out.

To the project webpage:
