05/14/2018The BMBF-funded project ODiL (Open software platform for service innovation in the value creation process in agriculture), was responding to the increasing digitisation trend in agriculture and set itself the target during its three-year project period (2016-2019) of developing an open platform for integrated, scalable, networked and secure representation, communication and processing of data and services in the environment of independently held private farms.
People acting inside the agricultural value chain were able to connect on this platform and share services, requirements and data selectivly and save. Legal aspects were essential on this platform. The Forschungsstelle RobotRecht as a participant of the project was responible for answering any legal question - especially out of the area of data protection. Legal obstacles were supposed to be identified in a very early stage of development because of the Privacy-by-Design-approach.
For an overview of the participants of the project: https://www.odil-projekt.de/de/team.html