Deutsch Intern
  • Source: Press office University of Würzburg
    Source: Press office University of Würzburg
Robotics Law Research Centre

SafeRoBAY - Safe MRK production: "Made Dahoam!"


The SafeRoBAY project, which is being carried out together with Siemens, TÜV NORD, Franka Emika, TUM, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems and the Klinikum rechts der Isar of TUM, aims to easily implement and validate biomechanically safe and efficient human-robot collaboration (HRC) in practice.

This has not been possible so far due to a lack of suitable methods and restrictive standardisation legislation, which prevents SMEs, start-ups and large-scale industry from using modern lightweight robot technology. In order to overcome these hurdles, SafeRoBAY aims to lay fundamental building blocks for the implementation and validation of safe HRC. This includes, among other things, the generation of a comprehensive catalogue of human injury data and the development of methods for planning and control as well as for systematic and cost-efficient validation and verification. The results of the project can give Bavaria-based industry a clear competitive advantage and boost confidence in the safety of HRC, opening up further application domains and markets for this technology.

Funded by the Free State of Bavaria and VDI | VDE | IT.
