Master's thesis and certificate
There are several important pieces of information and application forms to be observed when writing your master's thesis.
Before your master's thesis:
As soon as the topic has been agreed with the corrector of the respective master's thesis, an application form for approval for the selected topic must be submitted to us at the following address:
Postadresse: | Adresse für persönliche Abgabe |
Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Medienstrafrecht LL.M. Digitalization & Law Domerschulstraße 16 97070 Würzburg | Alte IHK Josef-Stangl-Platz 2 97070 Würzburg |
The application form can be downloaded here.
This application should be submitted as soon as possible with the start of the master's thesis. If the application is not received until the master's thesis is completed, there is a risk that the thesis will have to be rewritten if approval for the selected topic is refused. As soon as approval is granted, we will forward the application to the examination office, which will register the master's thesis and inform you about the next steps (via your @stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg e-mail address).
Please note: The topic entered in the form must correspond exactly to the title of the Master's thesis submitted. Even the capitalization of the individual words must not differ!
During your master's thesis:
The master's thesis consists of approximately 50-60 pages. The master's thesis must have page numbers, a title page, a table of contents, awritten assurance that the work was written independently, and be bound. You have 6 months to complete the master's thesis. If you do not meet the deadline, the work will be deemed "failed". Three bound copies must be submitted. In addition, the master's thesis must be submitted on 2 USB sticks or CDS (digitally in any case). The master's thesis must be submitted exclusively to the examination office! Postal address:
Prüfungsamt der Universität Würzburg
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg
You can also drop the documents off yourself at the address mentioned above. The mailbox is located at the back of the new university.
After your master's thesis:
After the master's thesis has been assessed, there will be an oral examination in which the master's thesis must be defended. The date for this must be agreed on with the first corrector. The oral examination lasts a total of 45 minutes and consists of a 30-minute presentation on the content of your master's thesis and a subsequent discussion, which may also include areas of law that were not directly the subject of your master's thesis.
In order to receive the master's certificate, an application for the master's certificate must be submitted to the examination office after the oral examination or after completing all other examinations. The application can be downloaded from the examination office website under "Master Digitalization and Law" under "Formulare" as "Antrag auf Ausstellung eines Abschlusszeugnisses": go to the page here. On the line "Folgende Prüfungsleistung wurde von mir zuletzt abgelegt", "Abschlusskolloquium" must be entered with the corresponding date, unless there are other examinations still pending. The application must be submitted to the examination office in paper form with an original signature. Postal address:
Prüfungsamt der Universität Würzburg
Sanderring 2
97070 Würzburg
You can also drop the documents off yourself at the address mentioned above. The mailbox is located at the back of the new university.