Erasmus-Büro der Juristischen Fakultät

Course Information for Erasmus Students


Foreign Speaking Law Classes

How to find you classes

Please click here  to view the new course catalogue

-Go to "Show University Course Catalogue "

-Choose "Exchange Programms (Erasmus) Law"

-Choose "Erasmus Law "

-Then open the tab of interest, for example "English and Foreign Speaking Law Classes"

Classes within the framework of the LL.M. Digitalization & Law

Important Hints

Please read the following information on the  classes belonging to the LL.M. Digitalization & Law  Studies carefully:

This degree program is offered independently of the Law degree program and is financed by separate tuition fees.  It is possible for Erasmus students to attend the courses without charging fees by arrangement with the lecturers, but there is no entitlement to correction and assessment of an examination.

Please bear this in mind when choosing your classes and drawing up your Learning Agreement!