English Intern
LL.M. Digitalization & Law


Wintersemester 2024/2025

Verantwortliche Dozentinnen/Dozenten   


Prof. Dr. Tobias Reinbacher
(JMU Würzburg)

Cybercrime I

Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf
(JMU Würzburg)

Machine Ethics

Prof. Dr. Ingo Scholtes
(JMU Würzburg)

Introduction to Informatics

Dr. Karin Linhart
(JMU Würzburg)

Introduction to German IT Law

Dr. Paul Vogel

Fundamental Rights and Data Protection

Prof. Dr. Wiebke Voß
(JMU Würzburg)

Procedure Law



Sommersemester 2025

Verantwortliche Dozentinnen/Dozenten


Prof. Dr. Tobias Reinbacher
(JMU Würzburg)

Cybercrime II

Prof. Dr. Teichmann
(JMU Würzburg)

Company Law and Digitalization

Chan-jo Jun (FA IT-Recht)
Johannes Partheymüller (FA IT-Recht)
(Jun Rechtsanwälte, Würzburg)

Legal Tech

Dr. Manuel Kellerbauer
(Legal Adviser European Commission)

Competition Law in the Digital Age

Prof. Dr. Sosnitza
(JMU Würzburg)

IP Law

Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf
(JMU Würzburg)

Robot Law/AI Law

Christian Galetzka (LL.M., FA IT-Recht)
Ulrich Kulke (RA)                                                                 Jacqueline Sittig (Dipl. iur. Univ.)

E-Commerce/Consumer protection

Dr. Christian Bitsch  (FA Arbeitsrecht)
(Bluedex Labour Law, Frankfurt)

Labor Law 4.0

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