Juristische Fakultät

Publications in English

I. Monographs

3. c) Distance Education and Economic and Consumer Law in the Single Market, European Commission, Education, Training, Youth, Office for Offical Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg 1996, VII und 62 S.


IV. Articles, contributions to collective works and notes

6. - Public Procurement Law in an International Perspective,
in: Tel Aviv University Studies in Law vol. 11 (1992) 189-225

26. - European Private International Law, the European Community and Its Emerging Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
in: Common Market Law Review 2001, 53-86

37. - Tenancy Law and the Principles of European Contract Law


neuer Link:

39. b) Real Property Law and European Private Law - A Sketch of an Unsurveyed Territory


neuer Link:

45. - Enforced Performance in European Contract Law - The Story of the Poor Banabans and the Hope for Happier Europeans, in: The Future of European Contract Law, Essays in honour of Ewoud Hondius to commemorate his retirement as Professor of Civil Law at the University of Utrecht, hrsgg. von Katharina Boele-Woelki und Willem Grosheide, 2007, S. 321-332

53. b) Free Movement of Workers,
in: The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, hrsgg. von Basedow/Hopt/Zimmerman, Oxford 2012

54. b) Freedom of Services, ibid.

55. b) The Fundamental Freedoms (General Principles), ibid.

56. b) Freedom of Establishment, ibid.

57. b) Principle of Proportionality, ibid.

58. b) Free Movement of Goods, ibid.

60. - Tourism, Conflict of Laws and the Rome I Regulation,
in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, Zürich/Den Haag 2010, 497-511

64. - Germany, Country Report,
in: Briefing Paper on the Proposed Consumer Rights Directive: Consumer Rights concerning Contract Terms Chapter V, European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, PE 447, 503, October 2010, 60-65

69. b)  Public law and public policy in international commercial contracts and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2010: a brief outline

in: Uniform Law Review 18 (2013), 262-280

80. b) Closest connection and escape clauses, in: General Principles of Private International Law,  edited by Stefan Leible (European Monograph Series, 95), Alphen aan den Rijn 2016

84. - Proof of and Information about Foreign Law, in: German National Reports on the 19th International Congress of Comparative Law, edited by Martin Schmidt-Kessel, 2014, 223-260
Sowie als Germany: Proof of and Information About Foreign Law – Duty to Investigate, Expert opinions and a Proposal for Europe, in: Yuko Nishitani (ed.), Treatment of Foreign Law – Dynamics towards Convergence? (Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law, 26) 2017, 183 – 220

89. - Origin and Ambitions of the Common European Sales Law, Especially its Chapter on Contents and Effects, in: Contents and effects of Contracts - Lessons to learn from The Common European Sales Law, edited by Aurelia Colombi Giacchi, 2016, 11-19

97. -  Fundamental Freedoms: TFEU Provisions on Free Movement, gemeinsam mit Roel van Leuken, Blandine de Clavière, Jean-Sylvestre Bergé, in: Arthur Hartkamp/ Carla Sieburgh/ Wouter Devroe, Cases Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law (Ius Commmune Casebooks), 2017, 169 – 219

98. - Limitation periods – I. Introduction und III. Germany, in: Implementation of the EU Damages Directive into Member State law, Conference, Concurrences No. 3 - 2017, S. 47 - 49 bzw. 51 - 53


V. Short contributions and conference reports

15. - Editorial: On the trend Towards Recodification and Reorientation in Private and Business Law, in: Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 12.3 December 2008,

direkter Link zum Dokument:

VI. Book reviews

-in German:
1. - Gareth Jones/William Goodhart, Specific Performance, London 1986,
in: RabelsZ 51 (1987) 245 - 252

in English:
17. - J.K. Winn/B. Wright, Law of Electronic Commerce, 4. Auflage, New York, Loseblatt,
in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 2002, 1261-1262