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Juristische Fakultät

Praktika in Indien


Indien ist ein riesiger Markt, der auswärtigen Rechtsanwälten noch völlig versperrt ist. Doch es erscheint absehbar, dass sich Indien in den kommenden Jahren auch für ausländische Kanzleien öffnen muss.

Bereits seit dem Wintersemester 2007/08 bieten wir Ihnen eine Vorlesung "Einführung zum indischen Recht" an. Im Anschluss daran können Sie sich, je nach Kapazität, um ein Praktikum in einem der Büros der Kanzlei Dua Associates in

  • Neu Delhi,
  • Mumbai,
  • Pune,
  • Chennai,
  • Bangalore,
  • Hyberabad,
  • Gurgaon oder
  • Chandigarh


Erfahrungsbericht "Can you ever be prepared" von Anna Grebner und Sylvia Ruß:

“Introduction to Indian Law” – a course which managed to connect legal facts to the differences and difficulties of the Indian culture. It was held by Mr. Nath, a successful Indian lawyer, who presented this well-structured lecture and shared his first-hand practical experiences with interested law students of the University of Würzburg. After the two weeks of theory and preparation we became curious and wanted to gain our own experience. Thanks to Mr. Nath we had the unique possibility to work as Interns in India’s biggest law firm: DUA Associate’s office in Delhi.

Getting off the plane: noises, hectic, unknown smells, animals and lots of people – all these effects assailed us! After we got over this first cultural shock we had a closer look and experienced a different India. We enjoyed the warm and welcoming atmosphere in the law firm. Everybody there was helpful and curious about the first foreign interns. Moreover we appreciated the exchange of the European and the Indian view of legal issues and social aspects that took part in almost all of our conversations.

Mr. Nath introduced us to the partners and associates and we worked with some of them on their current cases. In particular we took part in the different steps of work: after finding the legal basis and the relevant case law, we worked through the filed writs and finally attended the pleadings in court. The observation of cases in the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court completed our insight into Indian litigation. India’s economic market is and will be very important for foreign investors and this is reflected by the fact that the DUA office has a lot of international clients. Although we spent only six weeks there we were able to get involved and become part of the globalized work within a big law firm.

Through discussing legal issues with the Indian interns we became aware of the substantial differences between Indian common law and German civil law in the daily work. All these working experiences were accompanied by the social and cultural impressions we received during our time in India. On the one hand we had many positive experiences, when we met helpful and open-minded Indians. We had the chance to be part of the Indian way of life and not just visiting the country as tourists. While traveling by ourselves we had many impressive moments and we visited incredible and worldwide unique places. On the other hand we saw that India is still a developing country on every street corner and that India is a country of extremes. The gap between the poor and the rich is inapprehensible.

We appreciate so much that we had the chance to have a working and traveling experience in India. We have profited from this experience and have learned how to live and work in a different cultural environment, both personally and professionally. Finally we want to thank those people whose help and support has been of great value. We say a special thank you to Ms. Linhart who introduced us to Mr. Nath and initiated the course at the university. Moreover a big thanks to Mr. Nath who put in so much effort to make the internship possible and always cared about us. Last but not least a thank you to Mr. Werner who was our bridge between the Indian and the Western culture. Thank you!

India is different from everything we had ever been told before we went there. We thought we were prepared but you can never be prepared because India is just different – different from everything!

Anna Grebner & Sylvia Ruß